While growing up, eagerly observing my surroundings I earned the French nickname of concierge - see the little concierge on the above picture. I cannot resist but get distracted by most things around me (like a kid with ADD, except I'm not - or undiagnosed to this day) and above all, document them.

Renting my own photo studio for a while made me realize that artificial lighting and staged e-commerce shoots definitely weren't my cup of tea as opposed to nature, authenticity and moments with loved ones that do represent the raison de vivre of my photography.

Furthermore, from what I have been told, movement is something I seem to be attracted to.

Having not yet reached the level of self-consciousness to infirm or confirm the latter, what I can say is that I aim to convey life's imperfect and chaotic reality in an aesthetic and sometimes poetic way.

Beyond capturing moments, I also like to draw on my pictures in order to add a hint of humor or some poetry to a scenery. Drawing (on paper or on my iPad) too features amongst my favourite things to do when I have time. I hope to be able to show you more of that soon!

If you're still here after reading this and would like to get in touch, hit the contact button below!

NB: Due to a high volume of requests, there might be a delay in my answer. Thank you for your patience!